Tag Archives: Kyle Kuzma

Breaking Down the Future of the Washington Wizards

Dan is joined by Matt Modderno (@MattModderno) from the Bleav in Wizards podcast (@BleavinWizards) to discuss the future of the Washington Wizards following their decision fire general manager Tommy Sheppard. Full list of topics include: —Was Tommy Sheppard’s dismissal a surprise?—Will the Wizards be open

Hardwood Knocks, Episode 290 — Pacific Division Preview Part 1: Lakers and Suns Outlooks w/ Grant Hughes

On to the Pacific Division! iTunes | Art19 | Google Play | Spotify @AndrewDBailey | @@DanFavale Spreaker | BlogTalkRadio | Stitcher Part 1 of our Pacific Division preview is officially here! Up first: Deep, deep, so-mega-friggin’-deep dives into the Suns and Lakers outlooks with Bleacher Report’s Grant Hughes. He and Dan are talking everything from offseason recaps,