Chicago Bulls GOAT Rankings

The debate rages on.

Many consider either LeBron James or Michael Jordan the greatest player in NBA history—the GOAT, as the title is widely abbreviated in sports circles. Some want to put Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the conversation, while others seem determined to include Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain.

None of these answers are inherently correct or incorrect. Realizing that is vital.

We’re not going to fall into the trap made by other GOAT rankings and insist our order is the only acceptable one, since everyone values different legacy components uniquely. That’s what makes this conversation so difficult in and of itself: How much are you swayed by championships, longevity, era translations and every other possible piece of the argument?

Our rankings here are intended to tell you who produced the most on both ends of the floor relative to his peers. The longer the high-level production was sustained, the better. But team-based results like deep playoff runs and championships don’t have any bearing in this particular article, which focuses entirely on the Chicago Bulls franchise.


  • Methodology
  • Flaws
  • GOAT Progression
  • Per-Season GOAT Standings
  • Top-Ranked Seasons
  • Top Rookie Seasons


Our rankings are centered around the accumulation of GOAT points, which are calculated using the following steps:

  1. Isolate all TPA scores earned during any given season from 1951-52 through 2017-18, combining both regular-season and postseason numbers.
  2. Calculate the average and standard deviation of the data for the relevant season.
  3. Convert TPA scores to Z-Scores (standard deviations above or below the average). The Z-Scores then function as GOAT points.
  4. Sum GOAT points from all seasons to find career scores, though only players with at least 1.0 GOAT points will be depicted pictorially.


This is by no means a perfect examination of basketball history, so treat it as a baseline if you desire.

Notable Flaw No. 1: TPA isn’t a Perfect Stat

Since TPA is derived from box plus/minus, we’re looking only at box-score stats and failing to give players proper credit for solid defensive switching, beneficial picks at the top of the key and so much more. Scores before 1973-74 are estimated through a correlation with win shares, which allows for some variance as well. A few players (see: Westbrook, Russell) even see their scores boosted by extreme interaction effects between assist percentage and usage rate, as BPM was never intended to handle such high numbers.

Notable Flaw No. 2: No Anecdotes

Memorable shots don’t matter here. Nor do performances that came in crunch-time scenarios. The stories told by these players can’t necessarily be quantified, even though they largely color our perception of these contributors.

Not a Flaw: Higher Scores for Modern Players

Because the league has more players these days (deeper rosters and more franchises), the standard deviation naturally shrinks. That makes it easier for modern standouts to earn higher Z-Scores, and thus higher numbers of GOAT points during a single go-round. This isn’t a flaw, so much as a purposeful part of the design.

Deviating from the pack in a positive fashion is harder in the modern Association, as back-end players who sit on the pine for large portions of contests have improved drastically. The supply/demand curve is the only justification necessary; the NBA has a finite number of roster spots and far more qualified players looking to earn them, which forces the level of those end-of-bench contributors to undergo an upward progression.

The league as a whole improves every year.

The GOAT Progression

  • Season Positives: Bob Boozer (0.956), Nate Bowman (0.163), Jerry Sloan (0.119), Guy Rodgers (0.11), Dave Schellhase (0.029)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Everyone
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None

  • Season Positives: Bob Boozer (1.628), Ken Wilburn (0.156), Craig Spitzer (0.152), Jim Burns (0.132)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Ken Wilburn, Craig Spitzer, Jim Burns
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Jerry Sloan, Dave Schellhase

  • Season Positives: Bob Boozer (2.273), Jerry Sloan (0.163), Ken Wilburn (0.136), Jim Washington (0.039)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None

  • Season Positives: Chet Walker (1.664), Bob Love (0.735), Johnny Baum (0.142), Bob Kauffman (0.033)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Chet Walker, Bob Love, Johnny Baum, Bob Kauffman
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None

  • Season Positives: Tom Boerwinkle (2.046), Chet Walker (1.848), Jim Fox (1.295), Bob Love (0.917), Jim King (0.136), Paul Ruffner (0.125), A.W. Holt (0.12), Bob Weiss (0.043)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Jim Fox, Tom Boerwinkle, Jim King
    • Entered the Top 20: Jim Fox, Tom Boerwinkle, Jim King, Paul Ruffner, A.W. Holt
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Johnny Baum, Guy Rodgers, Bob Kauffman
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Johnny Baum

  • Season Positives: Chet Walker (3.235), Clifford Ray (2.146), Tom Boerwinkle (1.655), Jerry Sloan (0.541), Bob Love (0.415), Bob Weiss (0.279), Jim King (0.234), Jackie Dinkins (0.158), Howard Porter (0.059), Jimmy Collins (0.015)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Clifford Ray, Jackie Dinkins
    • Entered the Top 20: Clifford Ray, Jackie Dinkins, Howard Porter
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Craig Spitzer, Jim Burns
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Chet Walker (2.094), Clifford Ray (1.849), Norm Van Lier (0.869), Tom Boerwinkle (0.231), Howard Porter (0.225), Rowland Garrett (0.183), Frank Russell (0.091), Bob Weiss (0.05), Jim King (0.026), Bob Love (0.016)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Norm Van Lier, Howard Porter
    • Entered the Top 20: Norm Van Lier, Rowland Garrett, Frank Russell
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Nate Bowman, Jackie Dinkins
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Clifford Ray (2.16), Norm Van Lier (1.496), Chet Walker (1.156), Jerry Sloan (0.691), Tom Boerwinkle (0.284), Bob Weiss (0.048), Dennis Awtrey (0.027)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Nate Bowman
    • Entered the Top 20: Dennis Awtrey
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Howard Porter
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Howard Porter, Rowland Garrett

  • Season Positives: Norm Van Lier (1.208), Tom Boerwinkle (1.137), Nate Thurmond (1.086), Jerry Sloan (0.967), Chet Walker (0.92), Bobby Wilson (0.068)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Nate Thurmond
    • Entered the Top 20: Nate Thurmond, Bobby Wilson
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Bob Love
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Bob Love

  • Season Positives: Tom Boerwinkle (1.815), Mickey Johnson (1.277), Norm Van Lier (0.803)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Mickey Johnson
    • Entered the Top 20: Mickey Johnson
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Nate Bowman
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Bobby Wilson

  • Season Positives: Artis Gilmore (2.496), Mickey Johnson (1.151), Norm Van Lier (0.481), Wilbur Holland (0.465), Tom Boerwinkle (0.252)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Artis Gilmore, Wilbur Holland
    • Entered the Top 20: Artis Gilmore, Wilbur Holland
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Jim King, Ken Wilburn
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Bob Kauffman, Dennis Awtrey

  • Season Positives: Artis Gilmore (1.598), Mickey Johnson (0.553), Cliff Pondexter (0.006)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Artis Gilmore (3.074), Mickey Johnson (0.453)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Jim King
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Wilbur Holland
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Reggie Theus (0.937), Artis Gilmore (0.909), Dave Greenwood (0.256), Coby Dietrick (0.197)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Dave Greenwood, Coby Dietrick
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Frank Russell, Wilbur Holland

  • Season Positives: Artis Gilmore (2.727), Reggie Theus (1.236), Dave Greenwood (1.132)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Dave Greenwood, Reggie Theus
    • Entered the Top 20: Reggie Theus
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Nate Thurmond, Jim King
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Coby Dietrick

  • Season Positives: Artis Gilmore (2.489), Dave Greenwood (0.795), Reggie Theus (0.096), Coby Dietrick (0.042), Roger Burkman (0.026)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Coby Dietrick
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Guy Rodgers

  • Season Positives: Reggie Theus (0.857), Orlando Woolridge (0.018)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Dave Corzine (0.425), Dave Greenwood (0.262), Orlando Woolridge (0.084)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Dave Corzine
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: A.W. Holt

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (5.055), Orlando Woolridge (0.756)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Michael Jordan
    • Entered the Top 20: Michael Jordan, Orlando Woolridge
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Jim Fox
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Dave Corzine, Coby Dietrick

  • Season Positives: Gene Banks (0.696), Orlando Woolridge (0.466), Michael Jordan (0.388), Charles Oakley (0.363), Dave Corzine (0.045)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Gene Banks, Charles Oakley
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Jim Burns, Paul Ruffner

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (4.931), Dave Corzine (0.102), Gene Banks (0.046)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (6.806), Charles Oakley (0.602), Scottie Pippen (0.035)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (6.594), Scottie Pippen (0.573), Horace Grant (0.487)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Jackie Dinkins, Craig Spitzer

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (5.502), Scottie Pippen (1.274), Horace Grant (0.931)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Scottie Pippen
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Dave Greenwood
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (5.393), Scottie Pippen (3.146), Horace Grant (1.917)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Horace Grant
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Reggie Theus
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (4.58), Horace Grant (3.578), Scottie Pippen (3.526), Cliff Levingston (0.152), Scott Williams (0.071)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (5.122), Scottie Pippen (2.35), Horace Grant (1.773), Scott Williams (0.053)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Scottie Pippen (4.17), Horace Grant (2.425), Toni Kukoc (0.078)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Scottie Pippen (4.545), Toni Kukoc (2.135), Michael Jordan (0.326), Will Perdue (0.068), B.J. Armstrong (0.026)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Toni Kukoc
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Nate Bowman

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (4.986), Scottie Pippen (3.598), Toni Kukoc (1.76), Dennis Rodman (1.236), Ron Harper (0.901), Steve Kerr (0.809), Jud Buechler (0.102)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Toni Kukoc
    • Entered the Top 20: Dennis Rodman, Ron Harper
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Mickey Johnson
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Jim King, Ken Wilburn

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (3.82), Scottie Pippen (3.749), Toni Kukoc (1.314), Dennis Rodman (1.163), Ron Harper (0.844), Steve Kerr (0.835)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Steve Kerr
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Orlando Woolridge

  • Season Positives: Michael Jordan (1.593), Scottie Pippen (1.044), Dennis Rodman (0.841), Toni Kukoc (0.708), Ron Harper (0.574), Scott Burrell (0.325), Jud Buechler (0.056), Luc Longley (0.022), Steve Kerr (0.015)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Tony Kukoc (1.475), Ron Harper (0.32)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Elton Brand (1.072)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Elton Brand
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Gene Banks

  • Season Positives: Elton Brand (1.184), Fred Hoiberg (0.403)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: None
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Gene Banks
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Charles Oakley

  • Season Positives: Donyell Marshall (0.778)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Donyell Marshall
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Gene Banks

  • Season Positives: Jamal Crawford (0.62)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Kirk Hinrich (1.805), Tyson Chandler (1.361), Luol Deng (0.178), Adrian Griffin (0.028)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Kirk Hinrich
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Donyell Marshall

  • Season Positives: Kirk Hinrich (1.104), Tyson Chandler (0.866), Luol Deng (0.423), Andres Nocioni (0.403), Chris Duhon (0.346), Ben Gordon (0.071)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Tyson Chandler
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Nate Thurmond

  • Season Positives: Ben Wallace (1.737), Luol Deng (0.937), Kirk Hinrich (0.931), Ben Gordon (0.429), Adrian Griffin (0.021), Tyrus Thomas (0.012), Chris Duhon (0.001)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Ben Wallace, Luol Deng
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Jim Fox, Tyson Chandler

  • Season Positives: Joakim Noah (0.445), Luol Deng (0.011)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Joakim Noah (1.221), Ben Gordon (0.27), Kirk Hinrich (0.057), Tyrus Thomas (0.021)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Joakim Noah
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Luol Deng

  • Season Positives: Joakim Noah (1.02), Derrick Rose (0.215), Luol Deng (0.031)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Derrick Rose (3.852), Joakim Noah (1.653), Luol Deng (1.508), Ronnie Brewer (0.672), Carlos Boozer (0.262), Kurt Thomas (0.257), Taj Gibson (0.014)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: Derrick Rose, Luol Deng
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Ben Wallace, Steve Kerr

  • Season Positives: Joakim Noah (2.827), Derrick Rose (1.675), Luol Deng (1.101), Carlos Boozer (0.955), Kyle Korver (0.899), Ronnie Brewer (0.507), Taj Gibson (0.358), Omer Asik (0.238), John Lucas III (0.004)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Joakim Noah, Derrick Rose
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Bob Boozer, Norm Van Lier
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Joakim Noah (1.424), Jimmy Butler (0.457), Nate Robinson (0.4), Luol Deng (0.327)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Joakim Noah (2.066), Jimmy Butler (0.69), Mike Dunleavy (0.229)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Jimmy Butler (2.438), Pau Gasol (1.54), Joakim Noah (1.427), Nikola Mirotic (0.388), Taj Gibson (0.15), Mike Dunleavy (0.127)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Bob Boozer
    • Entered the Top 20: Jimmy Butler
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Derrick Rose
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Kirk Hinrich

  • Season Positives: Jimmy Butler (1.904), Pau Gasol (1.761), Taj Gibson (0.578), Nikola Mirotic (0.359), Joakim Noah (0.222), Cristiano Felicio (0.03)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: Jimmy Butler
    • Entered the Top 20: Pau Gasol
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: Bob Boozer
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: Dave Greenwood

  • Season Positives: Jimmy Butler (3.486), Dwyane Wade (0.308), Nikola Mirotic (0.136), Rajon Rondo (0.084)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

  • Season Positives: Bobby Portis (0.126)
  • Notable Movement
    • Entered the Top 10: None
    • Entered the Top 20: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 10: None
    • Dropped out of the Top 20: None

Per-Season GOAT Standings

Perhaps you wish to take longevity out of the equation.

In that case, allow us to reveal the top 30 per-season scores, found simply by dividing total GOAT points by the number of NBA seasons recorded. Do note that injury-shortened campaigns (for example, Michael Jordan’s 1985-86 efforts, in which he played only 18 games while not sidelined with a broken foot) still count the same as full go-rounds. This methodology can also benefit players still in their primes, as they haven’t yet posted twilight seasons that drag down their averages.

Top-Ranked Seasons

Top Rookie Seasons